It's all aboout those distant dreams. Sometimes you don't know what to do, instincts just speak louder than the reason. Voices inside your head just tell you what to say. Everything just seem so far away from reality and it feels so difficult to go back up. When you open your eyes you feel as if you were still dreaming: It all seems like distant dreams, like broken dreams so far away. Lyrics from a forgotten group, words from a forgotten person. The future is for those who dream and dreams are for those who are able to make it happen. A flush of sadness in the deep blue sky, tomorrow it will all go away and I'll dance till my feet get of the ground, tomorrow the kite will go on taking me away, but tonight it's all about those distant dreams!
Há 8 anos
o homem é estranho. Sente coisas doidas e normais demais ao mesmo tenpo... nada faz sentido na sua cabeça, e, até quando faz sentido, esse sentido não tem sentido algum. Pensar, mudar... tomar iniciativa, tornar-se depressivo.... tudo isso o homem considera. Ou não. às vezes pensa em coisas bizarras e loucuras.... não somos todos loucos, então? somos todos alfaces tortas (...)
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